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- Continuing our look at the Workbench, we dealt with all the
- majority of the visible icons last month. Now we'll take a
- look at those files which don't have icons: they are all
- hidden until you get down to Shell level or use the "Show...
- All Files" Workbench menu option.
- By the way, a program such as Directory Opus is particularly
- useful when it comes to exploring Workbench like this, as it
- allows you to move from directory to directory and examine
- the contents with only one or two clicks of the mouse.
- C
- ---
- (m1.iff)
- The C directory is very important, as this is where all the
- AmigaDOS commands hang out. Most of the commands you can
- type at the Shell are really unique programs, and this is
- where they are stored. If you open a Shell window and enter:
- cd c:
- then you'll have moved from the default directory to the C
- directory. You can then type:
- dir
- to see a list of all the files present. (m2.iff) On older Workbench
- systems, the command "cd" was itself stored in this
- directory. Newer versions of the operating system, as used
- in Amiga 1200s for example, have this command -- and others
- -- built in to the OS Kickstart ROM. These commands are
- referred to as "resident". You can get a list of these
- resident commands by opening a shell and entering:
- resident
- The command will return a list of the built-in commands.
- It's also possible to temporarily make other commands
- resident too. You do this by including their full path and
- name after the command, like this:
- resident c:list
- Be Pure, Be Vigilent, Behave
- ----------------------------
- Except this won't work and will return an error message --
- because the List command isn't totally "pure". Yes, another
- complication. A pure command is defined as one which is
- re-entrant and re-executable: in other words, it can be used
- again and again and several times at once without going
- wrong. In Workbench 3 almost all the commands which are Pure
- have already been made resident. You can check by using the
- list command, and watching out for the "p" flag appearing
- next to any filenames.
- However, you can force a command to be made resident. In
- most cases this won't be a dangerous thing, but be aware of
- the potential for crashing if you multitask or run critical
- software: a bulletin board for example.
- To force a command to become resident, no matter what, use
- the option Pure, like this:
- resident c:list pure
- This makes a command resident, and states that you are
- prepared to risk the consequences.
- But why make a command resident in the first place? Speed is
- the answer: it can make long AmigaDOS scripts a lot faster
- if the Operating System doesn't need to spend most of the
- time tracking down the commands themselves. A good example
- is the startup-sequence. This script even forces several
- non-Pure commands resident in the quest for more speed. Look
- out for the line:
- Resident >NIL: C:Assign PURE
- and look out to see why the command doesn't remain resident
- after the script has ended. Resident commands also take up
- less memory that commands held, for example, in RAM disk. No
- matter how many times the command is executed only one
- instance of it is used at a time.
- Here's a neat little trick. As resident needs the full path
- to a command, you can make use of the "which" command to
- discover it. At last! A use for "which"!
- You can combine the "which" command with the resident
- operating using the "tick" (press the ordinary ' key whilst
- holding down ALT) to get something like this:
- resident `which list` pure
- Of course when you switch off the Amiga, the resident
- commands which you have created will all be lost.
- (m3.iff)
- S
- ---
- (m4.iff)
- The s directory is where Scripts are kept, or at least that
- was the intention. It's where you will find the
- startup-sequence file, and also the user-startup script too.
- After many years of use, my Amiga has amassed a staggering
- collection of junk in this directory as many programs have
- kindly installed useful scripts here for me.
- The Art Department has left many files -- mostly in the form
- of ARexx programs -- and so have Spot, Mosaic and Cygnus Ed.
- Scripts don't take up a great deal of space, and so on a
- hard drive system these is little to be gained by deleting
- them. Some day they might be needed.
- A script, by the way, is simply a text file containing
- AmigaDOS commands. You can write your own script using an
- text editor, including Ed the standard AmigaDOS editor.
- Simply add a list of the commands you wish to be used.
- Using the script can be done in two ways. You can either use
- the "execute" AmigaDOS command like this:
- execute s:my-script
- Or you can alter one of the file's flags (special switches
- to tell the OS how to deal with the file -- like "Pure" for
- example) to define it as a script. If it's defined as a
- script, you only need to enter the name by itself, like
- this:
- my-script
- Here is how you would alter the flag to make an ordinary
- text file into a script:
- protect s:my-script +S
- An ARexx script is slightly different in that it cannot be
- executed with the Execute command. It's not a list of
- AmigaDOS commands, but a program written in the ARexx
- language. We dealt with ARexx in some detail in previous
- Masterclass tutorials.
- (m5.iff) Using List you can check on the various flags
- associated with each file. You will probably has less files
- than I have: you will probably take more care to keep your
- hard disk tidy than I do!
- libs
- ----
- (m6.iff)
- The libs drawer is the default location for any Amiga
- libraries. A library in this sense is a file which contains
- various sub-routines. By storing the routines in a library,
- they are available to other programs and other multitasking
- copies of the same program.
- Even the libs drawer of a new Amiga will contain a selection
- of libraries, including maths routines and ARexx code. After
- a while the directory will be stuffed with libraries as
- program after program adds it own routines to the list.
- If you have deleted an unwanted application, have a quick
- look here to see if it has left a libary. Before you delete
- it for good, rename it and check if any other programs are
- making use of it.
- box out: How does it do that?
- You might be wondering how a command like "dir" can be
- executed when you aren't already in the directory in which
- it is stored.
- For example, how come when you open a shell you can enter
- "dir" no matter if the default directory is Workbench or
- Ram:. You might have thought it would be necessary to
- include a full path, like this:
- cd ram:
- c:dir
- However, a full path to the command is not needed, so this
- will work just as well:
- cd ram:
- dir
- A special command called "Path" makes this possible. If you
- look in the startup-sequence, you'll spot the rather heavy
- duty line:
- Path >NIL: RAM: C: SYS:Utilities SYS:Rexxc SYS:System S:
- SYS:Prefs SYS:WBStartup SYS:Tools SYS:Tools/Commodities
- This command sets up the paths which the operating system
- follows when it ecounters a command. When you enter an
- instruction such as "dir", the operating system first looks
- in the current directory (this is the default action). It
- then looks in "RAM:" then "C:" then "sys:utilities" and so on.
- Before you ask, the Path command itself is a resident
- command and so it doesn't matter where it is stored!
- -- end --